About me

I’m a fully qualified Integrative Counsellor and Coach and grounded in Person-Centred theory. What this means is that you know you best, so I follow your lead but may also draw on other tools that may help further your exploration, healing & growth, with your permission.

In 2010 I started my own healing and personal development journey, which changed my life! Not only did I learn how to heal and love myself, but I also discovered that I was passionate about helping others in a similar way. This is what led me to training to become a Counsellor and I am so passionate about it.
8 Years ago I started my training, qualifying 2 years ago. Since then, I’ve worked in private practice whilst also volunteering at Liverpool Bereavement Services where I have been working for the past 4 years.

The work at Liverpool Bereavement Services and my own personal experiences is what led me to specialise in Bereavement. Over the years, I have had experience working with depression, anxiety, childhood trauma, suicidal ideation, relationship issues, anger issues, low self-esteem, and low self-confidence.

I am so passionate about normalising mental health, teaching people how important it is to maintain it and what steps they can take to do that. And for that reason, last year I decided to train to become a Life Coach. This way I can support people who may need Counselling to heal from past traumatic experiences and then with Coaching they may want to work towards re-connecting with themselves and living the life they choose now and in the future.

Start a conversation...

I always start with a very informal conversation. Helping you understand what I do and how I can help.

If my services are right for you then together we will develop a plan that suits you. I’m committed to supporting my clients in every way so all our consultations and service plans are unique.

Call me on 07808 855 259 to discuss your needs or fill in the callback form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Get in touch